WIP: Terrain

Base coats almost done on my Warehouse from TTCombat. My only annoyance with this (and all the other) kits from TTCombat is that the tabs holding the MDF spruces to the pieces are too large and require extra cleaning up. Brick work is Vallejo Black Red and Vallejo Game Air Scarlett Red airbrushed over. Concrete is a base coat of Vallejo Model Air Anthracite Grey followed by a highlight of that colour with what ivory/stone grey I had closest to me. Likely to use rattle cans for much of this in the future.

Perhaps my favourite terrain piece in a while is this “Guardians of Traffic” bridge from Multiverse Gaming. Yes, it’s based on a bridge in the United States; however, I think it will fit in perfectly with any 20th century pulp games and even Bolt Action scenarios set in industrial centres. I might cut out a removable Stalin portrait to tuck into the little box at the centre of the railing and include the bridge in a future Stalingrad board. Properly weathered, I expect the bridge to look great on the table!

Finally, as always, I went a little wild buying up street lamps once I saw Christmas decorations had made their way into the dollar store. I can never resist. Clipped off the LED switch boxes each lamp came with and mounted them all to extra 20mm Bolt Action bases I had laying around. The lamps are all in need of some quick basing and weathering if I ever feel motivated; however, it’s great finding dollar store terrain that is ready to add to my collection of scatter terrain right out of the box.

I’m seeing this Soviet “Production Hall” from Terrains4Games as a future purchase. Hard to resist!

Showcase: Dropfleet Commander, Scourge Starter

First time painting Dropfleet Commander and, more so, models in this scale. The experience was definitely something of a learning exercise and, besides a few white speckles from an airbrush mishap, I think these came out looking okay. Looking forward to painting up more Dropfleet and Dropzone in the near future.

Badger Grey Primer with Vallejo Black Ink mixed in
VMA Imperial Blue all over
VMA Imperial Blue and VGC Bone White mixed, successive highlights
Spray underneath and fade out into tips
Gloss Varnish
Spray Secret Weapon Purple wash all over
Drybrush VGC Glacier Blue on ridges and faded out into tips
Spray VGA Dead White underneath and faded out into tips
Spray P3 Meredius  Blue on engines
Highlight spray engines P3 Arcane Blue
Matt Varnish