Insurgent Force Completed

Finished(?) up the Insurgent force I’ve had sitting on my pile of shame for ages.Meant for use in Skirmish Sangin and/or Specter Operations Not pictured are two sculpts: a sniper and another machine gun. Mix of Empress Miniatures and Specter Operations. The truck is a repainted cheap die-cast car in, I believe, 1/43 scale.

Lots of fun painting!

The recipe for the bases:

Base: Vallejo Grey Primer
Vallejo Pale Sand (all over)
Baneblade brown (stippled)
Vallejo Stonewall Grey (dry brush on rocks)
White (dry brush on rocks)
GW Sepia wash (undiluted, soak up extra)
Vallejo Stonewall Grey (dry brush on rocks)
Gamers Grass Beige Wild Tufts

Showcase/Tutorial: Flak Bunker Terrain

Got excited by the new D-Day: Overlord campaign supplement book for Bolt Action and painted up a flak bunker this weekend. One more bunker to go and then it’s back to Stalingrad.


For airbrushing:

1. Primed black.
2. Trying to leave the recesses dark, I roughly filled in between them with Vallejo Model Air Anthrocite Grey. Exactly like you might do with modulation-style airbrushing of a tank, for instance – except, being terrain, with way less attention to neatness.
3. Similar process with Vallejo Model Air Stonewall Grey.
4. Sprayed all the concrete’s damaged spots with a light mist of black.
5. All over drybrush with GW’s dry paint Wrack White, paying particular attention to hard edges and the damaged sections where fresher concrete might show through.
6. Painted the exposed rebar damage black and then GW’s Typhus Corrosion.
7. For the ladder, door, etc. I did the same followed by a quick stippling of a metallic silver.

For washes:

1. I went around working section by section. First I wet the relevant working surface to avoid tide marks and then applied a wash made up of an eyeballed mixture of black paint, dark green paint, water, and airbrush flow improver as a wash. I kept paper towel handy to dab off excess.
2. For all the damaged concrete and edges where I wanted rain marks, I wet the surface with water as before and then applied agrax earthshade in a downward motion and feathered/wiped it off as desired.

For the base:
1. It’s cut from thick styrene sheet.
2. I put down vallejo texture paste and then sprinkled rocks and sand as i saw fit.
3. Primed black.
4. I then painted it all over with a cheap dollar store acrylic chocolate’ish brown.
5. A quick drybrush of Vallejo Model Air Stonewall Grey (if I remember correctly).
6. Applied some Army Painter Mountain Tuft.
7. Brushed on some PVA/water mixture and sprinkled on a couple different flocks I had kicking around (Gale Force 9’s MarshBlend static grass, followed by GW’s grass flock).

The only other relevant modification I made to the kit is replacing some of the steel ladder railing with a brass rod as the plastic was breaking just from looking at it wrong.

WIP: Project Stalingrad, Scatter Terrain Rubble

Too rainy outside to prime buildings, so here are some work-in-progress pictures of scatter terrain rubble piles for placing up against the sidewalls of buildings. For today, a wrecked KĂĽbelwagen (Tamiya, 1/48) – more pieces to come. Just needs some bullet holes drilled in and primer, then it’s on to painting.

WIP: Project Stalingrad, Batch 3 Part 4

Been waiting on a couple cheap packs of Walthers HO scale Industrial Storage Tanks for my factory building. The kits are HO scale, but industrial piping, etc. is so varied in sizes that I think it works well as a scale-neutral option for 28mm terrain Kitbashed and glued in the first package this evening, along with a few other extras. Trying to find that sweet spot between detail, durability, and playability.